Friday, March 9, 2012

Jewelry Organizer

Here is a little something I made to keep my jewelry organized. It is not much but it has made finding a necklace so much easier.
This is what my Drawer Used to look like

But with a few materials around the house it now looks a million times better.

Things you will need:
1 Fruit Snack Box or equal to 
Cute Craft Paper
Tape Measure
Pen or Pencil To mark with 

Step 1

Measure The box you will be using Length and Width. 
My box Length 7 1/2"
My Box Width 5 1/2"

Next you need to Measure out and cut strips of card board to fit inside box.

Keep in mind that the number of cardboard pieces you have increases the
 number of jewelry place you have available. For example:

3 cardboard= 4 sections  
4 cardboard= 5 sections

When finished you should have this 

2 pieces for box length 
3 pieces for box width
(or what ever the amount you chose)

Step 2

This step requires a little bit of math skills.

You need to now divided  the piece of cardboard into equal sections so that your pieces will all slide together like a jigsaw puzzle.

(1 1/2" Sections for the length piece)

(1 3/4" for width piece)

Mark and cut cardboard almost to the end of strip.

Step 3

Now take all pieces and put them together to make a grid system. like so
Place in drawer to make sure that it fits. 
(You may have to do some trimming due to  the bowed edges of box or the box not being square) 

Step 4 (optional)

If you would like you can also add another piece of  cardboard to the bottom of you grid so that you are not taping the grid directly to your jewelry box. 
Just measure out the length and width of your box. (or use previous measurement) Cut cardboard to size and place in bottom of box.

Grid with out cardboard on bottom

Grid with cardboard on bottom

Step 5

Now that you have everything put together the fun begins. Tape down sections of grid to make stay in place and fill your new organized box with all your beautiful necklaces, bracelets, earrings or whatever you heart desires.

For the last little bit of fun I also added paper to the box to make it look pretty. 

Such as this blog shows
(3rd to last photo)

Hope you have fun organizing your nick-nacks> remember to Smile 


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Thursday, March 8, 2012

Time for a slow down

This last couple of weeks have been CrAzY!
Here are a couple updates (more to follow at a later date):

1. Jordan has had to switch shifts and that is no fun. He went to work a couple monday nights ago and slammed his finger in the door. It is pretty dang nasty! He showed me when he came home and all I could say was wow! Are you sure that you only slammed your finger in the door and you didn't drag it across the road at high speeds? There was a big chunk of sink hang on by just a little bit of under layer skin and the other side was missing the chuck of skin all together.

2. We bought a house and let me tell you that was a crazy event. Say hello to the biggest debt of your life for the next 30 years. I don't even know where we will be in the next 30 years. By then Jordan will be 55 and I will be 52. Holy cow~ that is a long time away!

3. We moved into our new house pretty much a week early. I had this great system of having all the boxes labeled and organized into what room they were supposed to go in.... well so much for all that work! Now I'm going to complain for a little bit. Please DO NOT take offense to my rantings and ravings. Since I was not avaliable to help move due to work I tried to make things really easy for those who helped move. I labeled every single box that I packed with a clear printed out label as to where the box belonged. I would love to say that those boxes made it to the correct room but that would be a great big lie! Everything was just put in rooms and  once that room was full then the next room would get boxes added to it. To make things even better all of the things that we would need to get ready for the day with and personal effects like that were just thrown in something a bag, a box, a shoe whatever was available. Now don't get me wrong I'm very grateful for all of the help and that I didn't have to hire out work but seriously... everything was labeled! Now everything was labeled because if you know me I have crazy OCD about certain things and organizing is one of them. Check out my post all about my silly corks here. But enough about that.

4. Tax Season has started so my schedule is busy busy busy. Jordan on the other hand is loving our new house.  He asked me the other day..." do you think if I put my but up against the window the father walking with his daughter and the dog will turn around and go home?" only Jordan only Jordan!

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